Do you look after someone who has a long-term, physical or mental illness, is disabled or frail? Could you do with some help, advice or just someone to talk to? Sunderland Carers Centre is here to help.
If the person you look after lives in Sunderland, you can get confidential information and advice; direct support or simply an opportunity to talk to someone about your caring role. We understand looking after someone close to you can affect everyone in a household, so we take a ‘whole-family’ approach and can support you and all your family. Staffed by professionals with a range of specialist knowledge, you can visit the Centre or simply phone us, go on our website or email us. When rules permit, staff can also arrange a visit to your home or meet you somewhere else, like a café – whatever suits you best.
Further information is available on our website or can be requested in different formats or languages.
The kind of things we offer you:
- One-to-one support and a listening ear – where and when you need it.
- Carrying out Carer’s Assessments on behalf of Sunderland City Council. A Carer’s Assessment will look at how caring affects your life and consider how your own well-being can be supported now and in the future.
- General information, advice and guidance as well as signposting to other agencies who may be able to help you – including organisations like welfare rights.
- Representation and support at meetings with other services – to make sure you are getting all the help you are entitled to.
- Support and advice including guidance about Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) – if your child has special educational needs or a disability.
- Peer support (groups) and social activities provided, usually free, by the centre and other local agencies – including courses on care-related subjects or general interest.
- Targeted support – including for parent carers with children 0-25; carers of adults with learning difficulties; if the person you look after has a mental illness or meetings specific to your local area.
- Groups, workshops and training opportunities – to help you in your caring role or to give you some time out and meet others in a similar situation.
Sunderland Carers’ Centre is pleased to announce the launch of our new Facebook page –
If you are a Facebook user why not follow the link above and ‘Like’ us.
If you are a Twitter user, you can also follow us on Twitter
Sunderland Carers’ Centre will use Facebook and Twitter to keep people up-to-date with the latest news about what is happening locally and nationally for carers. We will continue to produce our Newsletter every two months and Parent Carer Information Bulletin every month.